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Video Editing



Web Development 

Data Analysis in Excel

Generative AI 

Spreadsheet Modeling

Communication skills
Problem Solving 

Prompt Writing




I have worked on several short films and video projects as part of my film studies, including writing, directing, and editing. I have also collaborated with other students on various coding projects, including a web-based movie recommendation engine and a data visualization tool.



I took on the role of the cinematographer, capturing stunning visuals that conveyed the emotional depth of the story.

Using industry-standard software, I edited the footage to create a visually compelling and emotionally engaging narrative.

Web Development

To create an online presence for my short films web development allowed me to showcase the film, share behind-the-scenes content, and connect with the audience, demonstrating my web development skills.

Prompt Engineering

I utilized generative AI algorithms to enhance certain visual aspects of the film. Additionally, spreadsheet modeling was employed to manage and optimize the film's production budget, demonstrating my analytical and modeling capabilities.

Data Analysis

To ensure efficient project management, I employed data analysis techniques in Excel to track budgets, schedules, and resource allocation. This ensured that the project ran smoothly and within budget.

Communication Skills

Effective communication was essential throughout the project, from team collaboration to audience engagement. My ability to convey ideas and instructions clearly was pivotal in bringing the project to fruition.

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